Sunday, August 19, 2007

Letter to [hypothetical friend]

(In response to email from [hypothetical friend] forwarding WSJ article, Of Bridges and Taxes, August 18, 2007; Page A6)

Light rail in every pot!

More than enough dollars have always been there for the proper government role of roads and the safety thereof, unfortunately siphoned off.

[Hypothetical friend's name deleted], you've always been a beacon for truth in politics for me: we happened to be together for Sullivan, and I respected your vocal stance against the party before that, when it was called for, so bear with me on this.

Why are we spending a trillion dollars a year to bomb, then rebuild, bridges in the name of nation-building?

I know I've immediately lost you, because I was there too. "We have to attack them there so they don't attack us here." I had to force my brain cells to reconcile themselves with principle; not easy to admit I was wrong. (i.e. we didn't go after bin Laden. He was never in Iraq -- none of the terrorists were, they were primarily from Saudi Arabia. Bin Laden is, or was, in Pakistan, and we've surrendered there. But I digress.) Why, I had to ask, are we welcoming 25,000 to 75,000 Iraqi immigrants HERE because of the war? Isn't that bringing them here instead of fighting them there? Why aren't we going after bin Laden as Ron Paul insists we should?

Which brings me to Ron Paul. It's always nice to be behind a sure-fire winner.

Naw, actually, it's a hell of a lot more fun to be behind the dark horse.

I've been a periheral fan of Ron Paul for years -- who wouldn't be? The guy has NEVER voted for an unconstitutional bill! Hence, the nickname among his peers: Dr. No.

When he announced, I assumed he was a longshot, but dove into the waters regardless. You only live once, and how often does a Barry Goldwater come along? Since January, I was joined by only a handful in handing out Ron Paul lit at the Tax Rally, and have had that rare experience of being at the front of a tidal wave.

Just today, Ron Paul won -- by a landslide -- both the Alabama straw poll (81%) and the Strafford Co, NH straw poll (73%). It's true that he only came in a close 3rd in the IL straw poll this last week, and 5th in IA last Sat, but that is because he does not participate in busing in supporters. I predict a solid win in the anxiously anticipated TX GOP straw poll Sept 1.

On and on I could go, and all to ask that you consider the merits of supporting a dream candidate for president. The GOP used to sing of eliminating the Department of Education. Only one candidate is now making that promise.

Personally, I have contributed $1,500 cash to the campaign itself, and over $1,500 in independent expenditures or to PACs supporting Ron Paul, have written radio ad scripts and participated in print ad production, and have spent easily a couple hundred volunteer hours toward this campaign. I only say this to show how serious I take the best chance we have had for a long time, and likely for a long time to come, to get an actual government reductionist into the big house.

Don't rule out the dark horse. Even if he were just today's Barry Goldwater, his wave of support could bring about the next generation of reductionist city, state and federal candidates.

Thanks for thinking about it, [hypothetical friend].


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