Ron Paul #50 on Youtube.
Ron Paul hits #50 for Youtube's most subscribed channels this week. Burning up the 'net, he is. Burning up the 'net.
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Urgent thoughts straight from Scribbler's Mind to you.
Ron Paul hits #50 for Youtube's most subscribed channels this week. Burning up the 'net, he is. Burning up the 'net.
Although libertarianism is overwhelmingly a male enterprise, Ron Paul is a hit (relatively speaking) among women. Despite the near complete black-out of his campaign by the MSM, he is up to 3 percent nationally and has 6 percent among women (tied with Fred Thompson)
Think of how much less interesting, indeed how downright intolerable, this election cycle would be without Ron Paul: a bunch of hacks and drones, not one of whom would make a single substantial change to Washington, D.C., if elected. Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani may as well drop the pretense and just run on the same ticket, for heaven’s sake.
After looking down upon MySpace for being something teenagers and the lighter, fluffier crowd gravitate around for social experiences, I shamefully succumbed to the lure yesterday. The impetus? Ron Paul for President.
Xenodochiophobia (n) An irrational fear of foreign hotels that may include a fear that there won’t be soap, proper toilet paper, clean towels, etc.
Gargalesthesia (gar·gal·es·the·sia) (gahr”gəl-əs-the´zhə) [Gr. gargalos itching + esthesia] The sensation caused by tickling.
Big spending Pawlenty strikes again in demanding more taxdollars for yet another welfare program, as the Strib reports in this story titled Pawlenty joins call to restore money for kids' insurance.